Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Picture a Day, day 1

So I decided for the month of February I would like to take at least one picture a day for the whole month to challenge myself and just have fun. Plus, it will give me an opportunity to make sure I get some more pictures of my own kids! I will try to post every day, but if there's one of those days that it doesn't happen, I'll post two the next day.
So, invite your friends! Help me on my journey of self-improvement and joy. Hopefully you'll see something you like. Thanks for following!
p.s. If you'd like to follow me on facebook, my page is http://www.facebook.com/pages/edit/?id=171159992916323&sk=basic#!/pages/Melina-Moore-Memories/171159992916323?v=wall

Today I decided to take pictures of my youngest's favorite new activity. We got a Nintendo DS for Christmas, and he wants to be just like his older siblings, playing Super Mario. He'd probably play all day if I'd let him, which of course I don't, but it sure is cute. So here you go!




When he saw what I was doing with the above picture, he said 'take a picture of my foot!' So I did :)








And my favorite of all. I got him laughing instead of video-gaming, and captured this. Love!


Thanks for looking! Can't wait to see you again tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Melina these are seriously so amazing! I think I'll be second shooting for you soon. ;)
